Nov 16, 2023, 09:59 PM IST

10 pre-workout foods to boost stamina

Shweta Singh

High in carbohydrates and potassium, bananas provide a quick energy boost and help prevent muscle cramps during workouts.


Complex carbohydrates found in oats release energy slowly, providing a sustained energy source throughout your workout.


Rich in protein and carbohydrates, Greek yogurt offers a good balance for sustained energy during exercise.

Greek Yogurt

Contains complex carbohydrates that provide a steady release of energy.

Whole Grain Bread

Packed with antioxidants and low in calories, berries offer a quick energy boost and aid in recovery.


A great source of high-quality protein and nutrients, eggs provide sustained energy for longer workouts.


Lean protein in chicken helps in muscle repair and provides a good source of energy.

Chicken Breast

Loaded with complex carbohydrates and fiber, sweet potatoes provide a steady release of energy.

Sweet Potatoes

A complete protein and complex carbohydrate source that helps maintain energy levels.
