Jul 23, 2023, 09:53 PM IST

10 worst foods that can cause hair loss

Shweta Singh

Excessive consumption of sugary foods can lead to inflammation and insulin spikes, which may negatively affect hair follicles.

Sugary Foods

Highly processed foods often lack essential nutrients and may contribute to nutritional deficiencies that can impact hair health.

Processed Foods

Trans fats found in many fast foods and processed snacks can lead to inflammation and may hinder the absorption of essential nutrients needed for healthy hair.

Trans Fats

Some large fish species can contain high levels of mercury, which, when consumed in excess, may affect hair health.

High-Mercury Fish

Excessive alcohol intake can lead to nutrient deficiencies and dehydration, which may indirectly affect hair health.


High consumption of caffeine can lead to dehydration, which may negatively impact hair follicles.


Foods with a high glycemic index can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and may contribute to inflammation.

High-Glycemic Carbohydrates

Artificial sweeteners and chemical additives in diet soda may have negative effects on overall health, which can indirectly affect hair health.

Diet Soda

Diets high in salt can lead to dehydration, potentially affecting hair follicles.

Salty Foods

Inadequate protein intake may lead to hair thinning and loss since hair is primarily composed of protein.

Low-Protein Diets