Jul 23, 2024, 12:10 PM IST

5 flours to help you lose weight

Deepika Shakya

Here are 5 types of flours that can aid in weight loss

Made from ground almonds, this flour is high in protein and healthy fats. It's gluten-free and can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Almond Flour

Produced from dried coconut meat, this flour is rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates. It helps you feel full and supports digestion.

Coconut Flour

Also known as gram flour, it's made from ground chickpeas. High in protein and fiber, it boosts satiety and can help control appetite.

Chickpea Flour

Contains antioxidants like catechins, which can help reduce liver fat and improve liver function.

Whole Wheat Flour

This gluten-free flour is high in protein and fiber, making it a nutritious option that can help manage appetite.

Quinoa Flour

Choosing the right type of flour can contribute significantly to weight loss efforts

Incorporating these flours into your diet can help manage weight by keeping you fuller longer and supporting overall health.

This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.