Sep 26, 2023, 10:27 PM IST

7 Activities to avoid after dinner

Khushi Patel

Heavy Exercise

Intense exercise just after dinner can interfere with the digestive process and cause discomfort or heartburn. It is preferable to perform gentler exercises that help improve digestion, such as walking or easy stretching


After supper nibbling too much or eating too much can cause indigestion and weight gain. It's crucial to pay attention to portion sizes and make an effort not to overeat after midnight

Stressful Work or Discussions

Stress levels might rise as a result of difficult duties at work or heated debates, making it more difficult to unwind and go to sleep. In the evening, make an effort to establish a serene setting

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption late at night can interfere with your sleep cycle and cause less restful sleep. Alcohol can impede digestion and contribute to acid reflux. If you decide to drink, do it early in the evening and in moderation

Caffeine Intake

Caffeine-containing drinks, such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks, can make it difficult for you to go asleep. In the hours before bed, try to stay away from these drinks

Screen Time

Your body's ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep, can be affected by the blue light emitted by screens on phones, tablets, laptops, and televisions. For better sleep, avoid screens at least an hour before bed

Spicy or Heavy Foods

Spicy or large meals should be avoided right before bedtime because they might cause indigestion, acid reflux, and restless sleep. For your evening meal, it is advisable to choose lighter, more readily digestible foods