Jul 21, 2024, 02:19 PM IST

7 benefits of cooking with water instead of oil

Pravrajya Suruchi

Lower calorie intake: Cooking with water significantly reduces calorie consumption compared to oil-based methods.

Reduced fat intake: Eliminating oil from your cooking helps to lower your overall fat intake, beneficial for heart health.

Preservation of nutrients: Water-based cooking methods like steaming and boiling help retain essential vitamins and minerals in food.

Weight management: By reducing calorie and fat intake, cooking with water can support weight management goals.

Digestive health: Water-based cooking can be gentler on the digestive system, reducing the burden on the stomach.

Taste enhancement: While it might seem counterintuitive, many foods develop richer flavors when cooked with water, especially when combined with herbs and spices.

Cost-effective: Cooking with water eliminates the need for oil, saving you money in the long run.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports