Jul 24, 2024, 06:02 PM IST

7 exercises to boost brain power

Deepika Shakya

Here are 7 exercises to boost brain power

A number puzzle that challenges your logical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Word puzzles that enhance vocabulary, memory, and cognitive flexibility.

Crossword Puzzles

Short puzzles or riddles that require creative thinking and quick problem solving.

Brain Teasers

Regular reading stimulates the brain, improves focus, and enhances knowledge.


 Whether it's a language, instrument, or craft, learning new things builds new neural pathways and improves memory.

Learning a New Skill

Activities like walking, running, or yoga increase blood flow to the brain, promoting sharper cognitive function.

Physical Exercise

Practicing mindfulness reduces stress, improves concentration, and enhances overall brain health.

Mindfulness Meditation

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