Dec 1, 2023, 10:26 AM IST

8 steps to get rid of mobile addiction


Track screen time

Always monitor the amount of time you spend on your phone's screen so you can see which app is getting the most use and should be optimised.

Digital discard

It simply refers to getting rid of pointless apps—those that you still use even though they are no longer helpful to you.

Home screen

You should remember that home is for family and that home should be optimised with apps that help you grow, such as business apps.


The sound of the notification triggers the mind to check the phone, so turn off all the notifications from unnecessary apps, such as social media apps.

Set barriers

Add limitations to your phone usage and set some rules about using your phone, such as create a habit of not touching the phone for an hour before going to bed.


Imagine spending time with your friends and family in the great outdoors while on vacation, cut off from technology.

Hide your device

The science here is pretty clear if something is out of your sight then it will be out of your mind, To avoid being constantly distracted by your device, put it in a drawer, turn it off, or put it on mute.

Prioritise real interactions

Rather than chatting with friends for hours, begin gossiping only when you meet them in person, and begin prioritising real-life interactions over virtual ones.

This article's content is meant solely for educational purposes; it is not meant to be taken as professional advice.