Oct 4, 2023, 04:15 PM IST

8 superfoods to get rid of dark circles



Tomatoes help protect the delicate skin under the eyes by boosting blood circulation and keeping the skin healthy.


Cucumbers have a lot of water, which helps to rehydrate the skin. Its consumption also fights uneven skin tone and increases collagen formation.


Watermelon is rich in antioxidants including beta carotene that supports eye health.


They are abundant in manganese, vitamins K and C, and omega 3, which are all essential for maintaining good eye health. It aids in protecting blood vessels and enhancing circulation to the eyes.


Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E fights free radicals which cause wrinkles and ageing. 

Green vegetables

Consuming green vegetables enhances blood circulation, which improves the texture of the skin. They aid in enhancing blood flow, which lessens discolouration and puffiness.


Vitamins C and A are abundant in oranges, and these vitamins work to promote collagen production and combat free radical damage to the skin.


The antioxidants in betalain, which assist the body detoxify and are good for eye health, are responsible for the red color of beetroot.