Sep 19, 2023, 07:57 PM IST

8 Yoga poses to control cholesterol



Standing with your feet together and your palms facing forward, extend your entire body upward. This position encourages better posture and digestion, which indirectly lowers cholesterol.


As you raise your arm and place one hand out to touch the other side of your toes, stand with your feet wide apart. This position stretches the sides of the body, enhances digestion, and may even decrease cholesterol.


Sit with your legs extended in front of you and, while keeping your spine straight, lean forward to touch your toes. The hamstrings are stretched during this posture, which may also stimulate the digestive tract and lower cholesterol.


Raise your upper body off the ground while lying on your stomach with your palms up near your chest. The cobra pose may improve blood flow while supporting the spine.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Twist your upper body to the side while sitting with one knee bent and the other crossing over it. This pose may lower cholesterol levels by enhancing liver and pancreatic function, digestion, and liver function.


Elevate your legs and body while on your back, supporting your lower back with your hands.  The thyroid, which is crucial in regulating the metabolism of cholesterol, can be activated in this inverted configuration.

Setu Bandhasana

Lift your hips and chest off the ground while lying on your back with your knees bent.  Your back will become stronger in the bridge position, and your blood circulation may improve.

Viparita Karani

Sit with your legs up against a wall and your torso at a 90-degree angle to perform this asana. With the usage of this relaxing stance, stress—which has been linked to elevated cholesterol—can be reduced.