Jun 21, 2024, 02:44 PM IST

8 yoga tips for beginners 

Deepika Shakya

Begin with basic poses and gradually move to more complex ones. 

Start Slow

Practice in a quiet, comfortable area where you won't be disturbed.

Find a Comfortable Space

Choose clothing that allows you to move freely. Avoid tight or restrictive outfits.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

Pay attention to how your body feels during each pose. If something hurts, stop and adjust.

Listen to Your Body

Breathing deeply is essential in yoga. It helps you stay calm and enhances your practice.

Focus on Your Breath

Props like blocks, straps, and cushions can help you achieve poses more comfortably.

Use Props if Needed

Consistency is key in yoga. Try to practice a little every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Practice Regularly

Progress in yoga takes time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small improvements.

Stay Patient and Positive