Mar 27, 2024, 04:15 PM IST

Amazing uses of carrot peels

Deepika Shakya

Carrot peels have many surprising uses beyond just being kitchen waste.

Save carrot peels along with other vegetable scraps like onion skins and ends to simmer in water and create a flavorful homemade vegetable soup.

Vegetable Soup

Carrot peels are rich in nutrients and make a great addition to compost piles, helping to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.


Bake carrot peels in the oven with a sprinkle of olive oil and your favorite seasonings to make crispy and nutritious carrot chips.


Dry carrot peels in a low oven or dehydrator, then steep them in hot water to make a fragrant and antioxidant-rich carrot peel tea.


Blend carrot peels with yogurt and honey to create a nourishing and moisturizing facial mask that helps brighten and refresh the skin.

Facial Mask

Dogs and rabbits love crunchy carrot peels as a healthy and low-calorie treat. Just be sure to wash them thoroughly before feeding them to your pets.

Pet Treats

Boil carrot peels in water to extract their vibrant orange color, then use the liquid as a natural dye for Easter eggs

Natural Dye

These creative ideas not only help reduce food waste but also provide additional benefits for your health