Dec 13, 2023, 10:24 PM IST

Benefits of eating curd rice

Shweta Singh

Curd or yogurt used in curd rice contains probiotics that promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, aiding in digestion and boosting the immune system.


It's considered a cooling food in Ayurveda, making it soothing and beneficial, especially during hot weather or to calm down stomach irritation.

Cooling Effect

Curd is rich in calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Regular consumption can contribute to fulfilling the body's calcium needs.

Calcium Source

Both rice and curd contain proteins. Consuming curd rice can be a good source of protein, especially for vegetarians.

Protein Content

The probiotics in curd aid in better absorption of nutrients from other foods consumed along with it, maximizing the benefits of a meal.

Nutrient Absorption

Curd rice's probiotics help in improving digestion and can alleviate issues like bloating, constipation, and indigestion.

Digestive Health

It's a satisfying dish that can keep you full for longer, potentially aiding in weight management when part of a balanced diet.

Weight Management

Curd contains essential vitamins like B12, B5, and riboflavin. These vitamins play crucial roles in energy production and overall health.

Rich in Vitamins

Some studies suggest that the probiotics in curd may help in reducing cholesterol levels and promoting heart health by maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Heart Health