Jul 19, 2024, 02:43 PM IST

Food items to avoid eating with tea

Deepika Shakya

Here are foods items to avoid eating with tea

Avoid spinach, beans, and lentils. Tea contains tannins that can hinder iron absorption.

Iron-Rich Foods

Milk and cheese might interfere with the antioxidants in tea. Consuming them together may reduce tea's health benefits.

Dairy Products

Spicy foods like chili or spicy snacks can clash with tea's flavor, making the experience less enjoyable.

Spicy Foods

Lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits can cause acidity when combined with tea, potentially upsetting your stomach.

Citrus Fruits

 Pastries and sweets can lead to a sudden spike in blood sugar levels when paired with tea, which might make you feel tired afterward.

Sugary Snacks

To enjoy your tea and maximize its health benefits, avoid consuming iron-rich foods, dairy products, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and sugary snacks.

These items can either reduce the beneficial effects of tea or cause unpleasant reactions.