May 18, 2023, 08:12 PM IST

Health benefits of ajwain


Diabetic patient must take ajwain seeds on a regular basis since they help regulate blood glucose levels. It may be used as an after-meal snack or added to dishes and rotis.

Consuming ajwain can help prevent stomach infections, indigestion, and gas. You only require ajwain to be boiled in water for a few minutes to make a tea.

Because of ajwain's healing powers, it is proven to be beneficial for breastfeeding mothers as it promotes blood flow and speedy recovery.

Due to its high anti-inflammatory characteristics, ajwain can aid in reducing the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, spondylitis, etc. To get the most from it, add it to beverages, dishes, parathas, etc. 

Using ajwain water is a good way to stop the excruciating cramps during menstruation. Mix 1/2 tsp of carom seeds with 1/2 tsp of rock salt to produce ajwain water, then drink it with a glass of warm water.