May 11, 2024, 06:46 PM IST

High Cholesterol: 8 warning signs of bad LDL at night

Shweta Singh

Also known as angina, this can occur due to reduced blood flow to the heart.

Chest Pain

Difficulty in breathing or feeling breathless even with mild exertion could be a sign of decreased oxygen supply to the heart.

Shortness of Breath

Feeling excessively tired or lacking energy could be a symptom of reduced blood flow to organs and muscles.


Generalized weakness or feeling weak in muscles could be due to poor circulation caused by high cholesterol.


Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, especially when standing up quickly, could indicate inadequate blood flow.


Particularly in the extremities, could be due to peripheral artery disease, which can be linked to high cholesterol levels.

Numbness or Tingling

Blurry vision or changes in vision could occur due to reduced blood flow to the eyes.

Vision Problems

Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, or confusion could be linked to decreased blood flow to the brain.

Cognitive Issues