Dec 5, 2023, 08:15 AM IST

High uric acid: 8 millet rotis to eat instead of wheat roti

Jaisal Kaur

Uric acid is a natural waste product formed due to the digestion of foods containing purines. Purines are present in high levels in some foods and are broken down in your body. If you consume too much purine or if your body is unable to remove this waste quickly then high-uric acid can be formed.

Millets are a good dietary choice to reduce uric acid levels quickly. Here are some millet chappatis that are beneficial for it.

1. Jowar roti

Jowar is a low-purine grain that is also a rich source of magnesium, which controls uric acid. 

2. Bajra roti

Bajra is another low-purine grain that is also a rich source of potassium, which can help to eliminate uric acid from the body.

3. Ragi roti

Ragi is a high-fibre grain that is also a rich source of calcium, which prevents the formation of kidney stones.

4. Kodo roti

Kodo millet is a low-purine grain that is also a rich source of antioxidants, which lowers inflammation.

5. Oat roti

Oats roti contain 50 to 150 milligrams of purines per 100 grams of the food. This makes it suitable to regulate uric acids.

6. Barnyard roti

This is one of the most uric acid-friendly rotis, as it contains very low purine content.

7. Kutki roti (Little millet)

Little millet is low in purines and is an uric acid-friendly diet.

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.