Jan 19, 2024, 10:19 PM IST

Parenting tips to learn from Sudha Murty

Shweta Singh

Parenting a teenager can be compared to setting out on a stormy, turbulent sea; nothing is ever quite the same. It's an emotional phase characterised by constant ups and downs, rebellion, and self-discovery. 

We can gain important advice to make this journey easier and more fulfilling by taking inspiration from the perceptive wisdom of renowned author, philanthropist, and mother of two Sudha Murty.

Respecting your teenager's uniqueness is crucial during adolescence. Sudha Murthy emphasizes the importance of allowing them the freedom to pursue their passions independently. Avoid imposing your views and foster an atmosphere of independence for their confidence and self-discovery.

Give them space

Parents, as per Sudha Murthy, should not only enforce rules but also serve as role models for their teenagers. By embodying the values they wish to instill, such as a love for reading or humility, parents can profoundly impact their teen's decisions and actions.

​Set examples

Sudha Murthy advises parents to instill simplicity and humility in their teens amidst a materialistic world. Encourage appreciation for small pleasures, like family and nature, to foster a generous and thankful attitude.

​Live simple

Sudha Murthy advises avoiding comparisons among teenagers. Encourage self-competition, setting achievable goals, and recognizing individual progress. This approach cultivates a positive sense of self-worth and pride.

Encourage self-competition

Sudha Murthy advises parents to avoid placing unrealistic expectations on teenagers, recognizing the pressure they face. Encourage a balance between academic responsibilities and leisure, providing valuable life lessons on stress management and accepting failure as part of growth.

Protect them from burnout

Sudha Murthy emphasizes honest communication in navigating adolescent emotions. Parents should be understanding friends, creating a safe space for teens to share worries openly. This fosters a stronger relationship, making sure adolescents feel loved, respected, and heard.

Listen and communicate

Strong parent-teen relationships foster honest communication, trust, and mutual respect. This support discourages risky behavior, promotes emotional well-being, and sets the foundation for lasting connections into adulthood and academic success.

Parenting a teenager