Jun 3, 2024, 10:13 AM IST

Roasted Nuts vs Raw Nuts: Which is healthier?

Pravrajya Suruchi

Raw Nuts: Can be harder to digest due to the presence of enzyme inhibitors. Soaking or sprouting raw nuts can help reduce this effect.

Roasted Nuts: Roasting can sometimes improve the bioavailability of certain minerals like phosphorus and magnesium, making them easier for your body to absorb.

Salt and Oil: Pay attention to added salt or oil in roasted nuts. Opt for dry-roasted nuts with minimal or no additives for a healthier choice.

Oxidation: Raw nuts are more susceptible to oxidation over time, which can affect their taste and potentially reduce some nutrients.

Choose Raw Nuts If: You prioritize the absolute highest amount of certain vitamins and healthy fats, and don't mind soaking or sprouting them for better digestion.

Choose Roasted Nuts If: You prefer the taste and texture of roasted nuts, or find raw nuts difficult to digest. Just opt for dry-roasted varieties with minimal additives.

Ultimately, the healthiest choice is the one you'll incorporate more regularly into your diet. Enjoy a variety of nuts in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports