Jun 3, 2024, 09:41 AM IST

8 animals that eat fruits

Pravrajya Suruchi

Sloths: These slow-moving mammals spend most of their time hanging upside down in trees. Surprisingly, their diet isn't limited to leaves.

Squirrels: We all know squirrels love nuts, but they have a sweet tooth too! They readily consume fruits like acorns, berries, and even apples.

Hedgehogs: These spiky insectivores are known for their bug-eating habits. However, they also enjoy the occasional fruit feast on berries, beetles, and slugs found on fruits.

Bears: While bears are famous for their love of honey, their diet is actually quite varied. They readily consume fruits like berries, nuts, and even some fruits.

Elephants: These gentle giants are primarily herbivores and consume large amounts of leaves, grasses, and fruits. 

Snails: Gardeners may find them a nuisance, but snails don't just munch on leaves. 

Owls:These nocturnal birds are known for their excellent vision and hunting skills. Their diet mainly consists of rodents and small animals, but some owl species will also consume fruits like berries.

Fish: Certain fish like pacu and arapaima are known to consume fruits that fall into the water.

Fish: Certain fish like pacu and arapaima are known to consume fruits that fall into the water.