Aug 29, 2024, 01:39 PM IST

Seven ways our brain tells us to take a break 

Meemansa Shekhawat

From basic survival to complex thought processes, the brain is an organ which is responsible for countless tasks every second. However, there are some ways your brain warns you to take a break. 

1. Constant headaches: If you're going through constant headaches, it's a sign that the muscles around your brain are worn out and need a rest. 

2. Lack of concentration: One of the most crucial signs that your brain is overwhelmed and needs a break is difficulty focusing on daily tasks. 

3. Lack of motivation: If you start procrastinating tasks or display unwillingness to work, it can be a sign that your brain is overworked. 

4. Memory loss: Struggling to remember things, which are easy to recall, is a signal that your brain needs a break. 

5. Physical fatigue: If you feel tired and sluggish around the clock, it can be a signal of mental exhaustion. 

6. Difficulty sleeping: When your brain is overworked, you might experience difficulty in sleeping. 

7. Increased irritability: If you start getting annoyed over the smallest things, it can be a sign that your emotional regulation is suffering due to mental fatigue. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports.