Sep 14, 2024, 01:56 PM IST

Seven ways to prevent risks of breast cancer 

Meemansa Shekhawat

Some factors associated with breast cancer such as gender, genes, or age cannot be changed. However, by making some lifestyle changes, you can avoid the risk of breast cancer. 

1. Healthy weight: Women who are obese have higher chances of getting breast cancer as opposed to those with healthy weight. 

2. Regular exercise: Regular exercise is necessary in order to maintain the weight, thus avoiding the risk of breast cancer. 

3. A big 'No' to smoking: Not only do cigarettes cause deadly diseases, it leads to breast cancer.  

4. Limit consumption of alcohol: Alcohol consumption should be limited as it is considered one of the biggest factors leading to breast cancer. 

5. Limit use of hormones: Certain oral contraceptives and postmenopausal hormone have been linked to the increased risk of breast cancer. Consult you doctor before consuming them. 

6. Breastfeeding: One of the most effective ways to avoid breast cancer is breastfeeding. 

7. Healthy diet: Consuming a healthy diet packed with vitamins and minerals is essential in order to prevent the risk of breast cancer. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports.