Jun 6, 2024, 10:56 AM IST

Surprising benefits of chia seeds

Deepika Shakya

Here are some surprising benefits

Chia seeds are high in fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various micronutrients

Rich in Nutrients

They contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases

High in Antioxidants

The high fiber content aids digestion

Supports Digestion

Chia seeds can absorb a lot of water, expanding in your stomach and helping you feel full longer

Weight Loss Friendly

The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds can help reduce inflammation

Improves Heart Health

They are rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, all essential for healthy bones.

Bone Health

Chia seeds provide a good amount of protein and a balanced mix of carbs

Boosts Energy

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