Jul 9, 2024, 07:27 PM IST

Why hair loss is more common in monsoon

Deepika Shakya

The increased humidity during monsoon causes the scalp to sweat more, leading to clogged hair follicles and hair fall.

High Humidity

Damp weather promotes fungal and bacterial infections on the scalp, weakening hair roots.

Scalp Infections

 Hair stays wet for longer periods due to frequent rain, making it more fragile and prone to breakage.

Wet Hair

People often change their diets during monsoon, which can result in nutritional deficiencies affecting hair health.

Diet Changes

Weather changes and the impact of monsoon on daily life can increase stress levels, contributing to hair loss.


Rainwater can contain pollutants and chemicals that weaken hair strands, leading to breakage.


Increased humidity can make the scalp oilier, leading to clogged pores and hair fall.

Oily Scalp

People may neglect their hair care routine during monsoon, which can result in unhealthy hair and increased hair loss.

Poor Hair Care Routine