Jun 12, 2024, 05:41 PM IST

Why is protein essential for our body?

Shweta Singh

Protein is crucial for repairing and building muscle tissues. After exercise or injury, it helps repair muscle fibers and stimulates muscle growth.

Muscle Repair

Proteins act as enzymes, which are catalysts in biochemical reactions, aiding in digestion, energy production, and blood clotting.

Enzyme Production

Many hormones, such as insulin, are proteins or peptides that regulate body functions including growth, metabolism, and mood.

Hormone Regulation

Proteins are vital for a healthy immune system, with antibodies made of proteins fighting off infections.

Immune Function

Proteins are key components of cell membranes and the cytoskeleton, providing structural support to cells and tissues.

Cell Structure

Certain proteins, like hemoglobin, transport molecules such as oxygen throughout the body, while others store essential nutrients.

Transport and Storage

While carbs and fats are primary energy sources, proteins can also provide energy during prolonged exercise or when carb and fat intake is low.

Energy Source

Proteins help maintain acid-base balance and regulate fluid balance by attracting and retaining water, preventing conditions like edema.

pH and Fluid Balance