May 16, 2023, 12:50 PM IST

Hottest planets in our solar system


Generally, the surface temperatures of the planets goes from hotter to colder according to their distance from the Sun. However, Venus is an anomaly in the pattern. Here are the mean temperatures of planets in our solar system:

Hottest planet: Venus Venus is the hottest planet with a mean temperature of 464 degrees Celsius. Venus makes an exception due to a dense atmosphere. This acts as a greenhouse heating the surface of Venue to fiercely hot temperatures. 

Mercury Despite being closest to the sun, Mercury is the second hottest planet after Venus at 167 degrees C mean temp. Days can be as hot as 430 degrees C. Interestingly, nights can be as cold as -180 degrees C due to its slow speed of rotation and thin atmosphere.

Earth Earth has a mean temperature of 15 degrees C. Earth’s atmosphere provides the planet cover from extreme heat and cold. Land surface temperatures on earth range from -25 to 45 degrees C.

Mars Mars has a mean temperature of -65 degrees C. Mars can be as hot as 20 degrees C and as cold as -153 degrees C.

Jupiter Our solar system’s biggest planet Jupiter has a mean temperature of -110 degrees C. The temperature in its clouds is around -145 degrees C. Near its centre, Jupiter can be hotter than the Sun at a mind-boggling 24,000 degrees C.

Saturn Saturn’s effective temperature is around -177 degrees C. However, NASA research says core of Saturn is hotter than 15,000 degrees C.

Ice giants: Uranus has a harsh mean temperature of -195 degrees C. Neptune is intensely cold at -200 degrees C. Former planet Pluto has a mean temperature of -225 degrees C.