Jun 20, 2024, 01:55 PM IST

10 countries with most Indian population

Pravrajya Suruchi

United States of America (USA): The US has a significant Indian diaspora estimated at around 4.5 million people.

United Arab Emirates (UAE): A large number of Indians live and work in the UAE, with estimates suggesting a population of around 3.1 million.

Malaysia: Malaysia has a long history of Indian immigration, and the current population of Indian origin is estimated to be around 2.99 million.

Saudi Arabia: A large number of Indians work in Saudi Arabia, with estimates suggesting a population of around 2.8 million.

Myanmar: Due to historical ties, Myanmar has a sizeable Indian population, estimated at around 2.08 million.

United Kingdom (UK): The UK has a well-established Indian community, with a population estimated at around 1.83 million.

Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka has a significant Tamil population of Indian origin, estimated at around 1.61 million.

South Africa: South Africa has a long history of Indian settlement, with a population of Indian origin estimated at around 1.56 million.

Canada: Canada has a growing Indian population, with estimates suggesting a population of around 1.69 million.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports

Kuwait: Many Indians work in Kuwait, with estimates suggesting a population of around 0.93 million.