Sep 25, 2024, 11:20 AM IST

10 Indian states with highest unemployment rate

Apurwa Amit

Kerala - With an unemployment rate of 29.9%, Kerala faces significant job challenges despite its high literacy rate and social development indicators.

 Nagaland - Nagaland has an unemployment rate of 27.4%, highlighting the need for more employment opportunities in the state.

 Manipur - At 22.9% unemployment, Manipur struggles with providing sufficient job prospects for its residents.

Ladakh - Ladakh's unemployment rate stands at 22.2%, indicating the need for economic growth and employment initiatives in the region.

Arunachal Pradesh - Arunachal Pradesh faces an unemployment rate of 20.9%, showing the need for focused efforts to create jobs in the state.

Goa - With an unemployment rate of 19.1%, Goa grapples with job scarcity despite being a popular tourist destination.

Punjab - Punjab's unemployment rate of 18.8% underlines the importance of enhancing employment opportunities in the state.

Andhra Pradesh - Andhra Pradesh has an unemployment rate of 17.5%, highlighting the need for strategies to boost job creation.

Uttar Pradesh - With a 9.8% unemployment rate, Uttar Pradesh faces challenges in providing employment to its large population.

 Sikkim - Sikkim has an unemployment rate of 7.5%, indicating the need for sustainable job growth to support its residents.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports