Jul 23, 2024, 04:57 PM IST

7 animals where females rule over males

Apurwa Amit

Bonobos: Female bonobos are more stronger than males and plays a key role in the social structure of bonobo communities.

Hyenas: Female hyenas are larger and more dominant than males. They are the decision makers in their community.

Kangaroos: The female kangaroos are typically larger and more dominant in kangaroo social structures.

Lion: In a lion pride, females lionesses are the primary hunters and decision-makers.

Orcas: Female orcas, especially older females, lead the pod and make decisions about hunting and migration.

Elephants: Female elephant guides the younger ones and lead the herd and make decisions about where to go and when to rest.

Honeybees: Female worker bees do most of the work in the hive, including foraging and caring for the young.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports