Jul 5, 2024, 12:32 PM IST

7 laziest animals in the world

Pavan Naidu

Although animals are known for their agility, strength, and survival skills, there are some creatures who are extremely lazy.

Sloths are known for heir slow movements. Spending up to 20 hours a day sleeping, sloths are one of the laziest animals in the world.


Koalas are known for their sedentary nature. This creature spend most of their time dozing in trees.


Pandas may look adorable, but their diet of bamboo leaves them feeling sluggish. Pandas conserve energy by lounging around and munching on their food.


Native to South America, spectacled bears are known for their love of napping. They spend most of their time dozing in trees or caves.

Spectacled Bears

Sifakas, a type of lemur, are arboreal creatures that spend their days lounging in trees. 


The Sunda flying lemur is far from active. Gliding from tree to tree, these nocturnal animals prefer a sedentary life, only moving when necessary.

Sunda Flying Lemur

Contrary to popular belief, lions are not inherently lazy. Their behavior is a result of their natural instincts and survival strategies. Lions conserve energy during the day to prepare for their hunting activities, which mainly occur during the cooler hours of dawn and dusk.
