Aug 24, 2024, 08:32 PM IST

8 animals only found in Rajasthan

Mahipal Chouhan

Great Indian Bustard: Critically endangered large bird. State bird of Rajasthan. Known for its distinctive black crown and long legs.

Indian Wild Ass: Also called khur. Found in Little Rann of Kutch. Fast-running equid adapted to semi-arid conditions.

Blackbuck: Elegant antelope with distinctive twisted horns. Males are black and white, females are fawn-colored. Found in grasslands.

Chinkara (Indian Gazelle): Small antelope adapted to arid environments. Known for its grace and speed. Can survive without drinking water.

Desert Fox: Small nocturnal fox with large ears. Adapted to hot, arid environments. Primarily found in the Thar Desert.

Indian Desert Jird: Small rodent adapted to desert life. Has long hind legs for hopping. Lives in complex burrow systems.

Spiny-tailed Lizard: Herbivorous lizard with distinctive spiny tail. Lives in burrows. Can detach its tail to escape predators.

Desert Monitor Lizard: Large carnivorous lizard. Excellent swimmer and climber. Has a forked tongue and sharp claws for hunting.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports