Jun 23, 2024, 04:26 PM IST

8 animals that have most babies

Mahipal Chouhan

Mouse: Rapid breeders, capable of 5-10 litters per year with 3-14 pups per litter, maximizing reproductive output.

Rabbit: Females can have up to 14 kits per litter, breeding multiple times annually due to short gestation periods.

Hamster: Typically has 4-12 pups per litter, breeding every few weeks if conditions are favorable in captivity.

Ferret: Litters range from 3-12 kits, with females often having 2 breeding seasons annually in captivity.

Pig: Large litters of 8-12 piglets are common, with sows capable of having 2 litters per year.

Cat: Typically 4-6 kittens per litter, with queens able to have multiple litters annually if conditions are favorable.

Dog: Litters can vary widely (4-12 puppies), with some smaller breeds having more frequent pregnancies.

Sheep: Average 1-2 lambs per pregnancy but can twin or occasionally have triplets, breeding once per year.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports