Jul 28, 2024, 11:30 PM IST

8 popular Indian foods banned abroad

Pravrajya Suruchi

Samosa This crispy, triangular delight is a staple in India, but it's banned in Somalia due to its perceived resemblance to Christian symbols.

Ghee Clarified butter, a key ingredient in Indian cooking, is banned in the United States due to concerns about its high saturated fat content.

Chyawanprash This Ayurvedic health supplement is banned in Canada and Australia due to high levels of lead and mercury.

Kebabs These grilled delights are a popular street food in India, but they're banned in Venice to preserve the city's traditional aesthetic

Ketchup While not banned outright, its use in school cafeterias is restricted in France to promote traditional French cuisine.

Chewing Gum Singapore has strict laws against littering, and chewing gum is often associated with this issue, leading to its ban.

Poppy Seeds While poppy seeds themselves are not harmful, they can contain trace amounts of opium, leading to restrictions in some countries.

Jelly Cups These colorful treats are banned in Australia due to choking hazards, especially among young children.

Jelly Cups These colorful treats are banned in Australia due to choking hazards, especially among young children.