Jul 19, 2024, 08:40 AM IST

8 stunning pics of moons of solar system captured by NASA

Mahipal Chouhan

Enceladus, Saturn's Icy Moon: Captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, this stunning image showcases a half-lit white surface with prominent cracks and craters.

Earth's Moon: Taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, this close-up mosaic reveals several craters of varying sizes.

Io, Jupiter's Volcanic Moon: Captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft, this captivating image shows one side of Io illuminated by sunlight.

Europa, Jupiter's Ice-Covered Moon: Taken by NASA's Juno spacecraft, this photo highlights Europa's partially illuminated cracked and streaked surface.

Callisto, Jupiter's Moon: Captured by NASA's Galileo spacecraft, this image shows Callisto's cratered icy surface glowing under sunlight.

Ganymede, Jupiter's Largest Moon: Taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft, this image reveals the frosty poles and sunlit craters of Ganymede.

Rhea, Saturn's Icy Moon: Captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, this image shows icy craters illuminated by sunlight on Rhea's surface.

Mimas, Saturn's Moon: Taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, this photo features the large Herschel Crater on Mimas's surface.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports