Aug 24, 2024, 07:54 PM IST

Animals that have wings

Shweta Singh

Mammals with wings that are modified forelimbs, allowing for true flight. They use echolocation to navigate and hunt.


Also known as flying lemurs, these mammals have a large patagium for gliding. They can glide for long distances between trees.


Reptiles with wing-like flaps of skin supported by elongated ribs. They glide from tree to tree using this skin flap.

Draco Lizard

Fish with elongated pectoral fins that allow them to glide above the water's surface. They use this ability to escape predators.

Flying Fish

Small mammals with a patagium between their limbs that allows them to glide from tree to tree. They use this to navigate their forest habitat.

Flying Squirrel

Snakes with expanded ribs and a flattened body that help them glide between trees. They use this ability to move efficiently through their arboreal environment.

Paradise Tree Snake

Marsupials with a patagium that extends from their wrist to their ankle, enabling them to glide. They use this to move between trees and forage for food.

Sugar Glider

Frogs with webbed feet and extended limbs that help them glide from branch to branch. They use this adaptation to navigate their forest habitat.

Flying Frog