Jul 15, 2024, 06:38 PM IST

8 astonishing images of galaxies shared by NASA

Varnika Srivastava

The Sunflower galaxy, a flocculent spiral galaxy in the northern constellation Canes Venatici, appears to have many spiral arms, but only two, forming giant stars that shape the universe.

New Hubble image shows NGC 4951, a Seyfert galaxy with an active galactic nucleus (AGN). 

The Andromeda Galaxy, a bright, swirling galaxy, is centered around a supermassive black hole surrounded by colorful stars and dust.

A spiral galaxy with large arms, faintly blue glow, and a shining core, with a Type Ia supernova, SN2022zut, visible below the core.

NASA's Hubble captures the new mode reveals the galaxy NGC 1546, with its core glowing in yellowish light.

NGC 4414, a dusty spiral galaxy, was discovered by Hubble in the 1990s, determining its distance from Earth to be 60 million light-years away, aiding in understanding the rate of universe expansion.

The image depicts a spiral galaxy that is captured by NASA.

UGC 9684, 240 million light-years away, is an active star-forming galaxy producing one solar mass worth of stars every few years and hosting numerous supernovae since 2006.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports