Jun 28, 2024, 07:36 PM IST

5 most expensive cities in the world

Deepika Shakya

Here are 5 most expensive cities in the world

Known for its high cost of living, housing, and food prices. It is a global financial hub with limited space, driving up real estate costs.

Hong Kong, China

Famous for its high quality of life and beautiful landscapes. The cost of living is high due to expensive goods, services, and housing.

Zurich, Switzerland

This city-state is a major financial center with strict regulations and high costs for housing, cars, and imported goods.


Tokyo has high living costs, especially for housing, dining, and transportation.

Tokyo, Japan

Known for its international organizations and high living standards. The cost of living is elevated due to pricey housing, food, and services.

Geneva, Switzerland

Living in some of the world's most expensive cities comes with a high price tag.

These cities offer a high quality of life but at a significant financial cost.