Nov 30, 2023, 02:52 PM IST

Top 9 countries with lowest crime rates

Deepika Shakya


Japan's low crime rates are attributed to a strong sense of community and efficient law enforcement.


Singapore maintains a low crime rate, creating a secure environment for residents and visitors alike.


Switzerland's low crime rates result from a combination of effective law enforcement, social stability, and a high standard of living.


Norway experiences low crime rates due to factors such as comprehensive social services and economic equality.


Iceland boasts low crime rates, supported by a transparent legal system and community-oriented policing.


Economic stability, and a well-functioning welfare system contribute to Denmark's low crime rates.


Canada combines effective law enforcement with social programs, promoting a peaceful atmosphere and low crime rates.

New Zealand

New Zealand through a combination of community policing, effective justice systems, and social programs.


 Australia experiences low crime rates, providing a safe atmosphere for its residents.