
Meet Ibrahim Qadri, Shah Rukh Khan’s doppelganger who is breaking the internet with his viral photos

Shah Rukh Khan's doppelganger has such an uncanny resemblance with the actor, that you might zoom into his picture to find out the difference.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • May 06, 2022, 09:36 PM IST

A celebrated artist influences the audience in a big way. People usually follow their mannerisms, style, and dressing sense. Among these fans, some try to imitate his/her favourite idol, and they become doppelgangers. Ibrahim Qadri is one of the most popular social media stars, as he shares an uncanny resemblance with Shah Rukh Khan. Let's share some pictures that will make you feel baffled and astonished at the same time. (All images source: Ibrahim Qadri Instagram)

1. Will the real SRK stand up?

Will the real SRK stand up?

Suprised, aren't you? Well, this is Ibrahim Qadri, and he is enjoying the natural gift of being resembled with Shah Rukh Khan. 

2. The perks of being Shah Rukh Khan's 'lookalike'

The perks of being Shah Rukh Khan's 'lookalike'

While speaking to Humans of Bombay Qadri said, "After my friends and I watched Raees, everyone started mobbing me for selfies." 

3. The side-effect of being doppelganger

The side-effect of being doppelganger

Ibrahim said that on one side he was enjoying all the attention. But even encountered some unfortunate incidents. "I got swamped & someone held onto me so tight that my t-shirt tore! It got so bad that I had to call the police to be safely taken out of the stadium."

4. When Ibrahim started enjoying being SRK

When Ibrahim started enjoying being SRK

Ibrahim admitted that he enjoy all the attention, and that motivated him to take this doppelganger business seriously. "To see people so enthusiastic to meet me every day, made me want to take my SRK persona seriously and become his doppelganger. So I started watching all his movies and copying his mannerisms. 

5. Ibrahim getting offers to dance at wedding as Shah Rukh Khan

Ibrahim getting offers to dance at wedding as Shah Rukh Khan

Qadri also added how he get invited to the wedding for his similitude with Shah Rukh Khan. "I often get invited to shows & weddings as the ‘special guest’ & I enjoy dancing with crowds to ‘Chaiyya Chaiyya’; to witness people feel special around someone they truly look upto makes me feel that what I do is worth it."

6. Ibrahim's wish to be recognised

Ibrahim's wish to be recognised

Although Qadri enjoys being SRK's doppelganger, he wishes people would know Ibrahim Qadri too. Qadri added, "As much as I respect SRK, I also wish people would look beyond my looks & try to know me as a person too…But the truth is if there was anybody in the world I could choose to look like, my choice would be SRK."

7. Qadri's dream to meet Shah Rukh Khan

Qadri's dream to meet Shah Rukh Khan

Ibrahim wishes to meet his idol, Shah Rukh Khan. For him, "It will be a dream come true if one day I get to meet my idol, SRK in person." 

