
True Detective Season 2, Episode 2 Review: The build up we needed but did not see coming

The episode 'Night Finds You' has pushed the season into fast lane!

True Detective Season 2, Episode 2 Review: The build up we needed but did not see coming

Forget all I said about the premier episode. That episode was all for show; a show leading us to this week's episode! This episode of True Detective hits you with both barrels! (I'll try to stay away from crucial points that might give away the plot. But I will not guarantee a spoiler free post!)

The second biggest surprise of the episode is Vince Vaughn. I'll get to the first one later. The episode starts with Frank Seymon recalling his time with the drunken father. You see an unhinged gangster trying to take the right path and at least come clean to the world which won't let him be, we see as the episode progresses.  Vaughn's eyes do lot more talking than the lines given to him. 

Now that I have a better grip of the plot, I can see he is one of the detectives in his own right. He has the motive to catch the culprit with a bird head who is pulling all the strings to keep these players on their toes.

Vaughn's Frank Seymon bears resemblance to Vincent D'Onofrio's villain in Daredevil. The unhinged trait is, however, far more obvious in D'Onofrio's portrayal.

Colin Farrell has a character which has all shades of grey. (Not referring to the movie or the books. I mean real world grey here! Though Ben Caspere's abode looks kind of  like the Red Room on steroids) At one point you loath him for being Frank Seymon's leash dog, but at another you pity him for being stuck with the cartoonish but utterly vicious side character like the Mayor of Vinci. You want to console Ray Velcoro when he says to his ex that his son is all he has. But even that lasts just for a second because Alicia tells him that he is a bad person. Ray is a bad person and bad influence on his kid. I am glad that the show knows it and has made it clear for audience too.

Velcoro's helplessness gets highlighted when he meets Frank at an industry compound and wants to know the details of what he is looking for, if he has to continue working for Frank. This scene, combined with the one at the bar where Frank asks Ray to check out Caspere's secret house and look for evidence, gives you insight into how the Velcoro-Seymon relationship might have evolved.

The on-paper detectives, Ani Bezzerides and Paul Woorugh and Velcoro are getting tangled. Just like the aerial shots of flyovers crossing, sometimes merging and sometimes just going on a tangent. Bezzerides and Velcoro drive together which is just like last season. The atmosphere reminds you of Cohle and Hart. But these 'chats' give you better insight into the character's mindset. Ani and Ray know a bit about  each other. Ray has lied to Ani about the true rumours and made Ani see that there is more to the case than just a possible pimp beating. Ani on the other hand, has told Ray why she carries a knife and has called Ray out on being a sell-out.

Rachel MacAdam's Ani has comes from a household full of 'hippie shit' as she calls it. So that explains her knife wielding. But when you see her visiting porn sites after work, it helps you understand how Ani sees herself and her complex relationship with sex.

Taylor Kitsch so far has nothing to do in the series but give us hints about Paul Woodrugh's confused sexual identity. Honestly, this was the only downer in the episode.

Now to the shocking scene. After the hollow yet intense bar scene, where you want Velcoro to take up that offer of vacation, Ray goes to check up on Casperes' hidden spot and gets shot. That is your Holy F*** moment! 

I am guessing a close shot to your guts is more life threatening than to your gonads. So if Velcoro is dead at the hands of our string pulling birdman, what will this mean for next episode?

I am guessing more space for Vince Vaughn. It will be interesting to see how Frank will react to the death of the only 'sort-of ally' on his quest to get his money back and get going with that clean entrepreneurship. Because as of now I don't see how it will affect Bezzerides. For Woodrugh it could be a chance for more airtime and another step towards his death wish.

So, I was wrong about the episode one. Night Finds You has proved me wrong. Now I am looking forward to Maybe Tomorrow

True Detective airs every Monday at 6:30 am, with a repeat telecast at 10 pm, on HBO Defined.

