
Unlock 5.0: Iconic Akshardham Temple in Delhi to open today

Due to the pandemic, there will be some changes to the entry time of the temple.

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  • Oct 13, 2020, 01:09 AM IST

In view of the Coronavirus pandemic and countrywide lockdown, entry into the Akshardham Temple was prohibited for more than 6 months. However, under the Unlock 5.0 rules, the government has decided to open the temple from October 13.

Due to the pandemic, there will be some changes to the entry time of the temple. According to the temple authorities, the likely time would be from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

The exhibition hall will remain closed but the musical fountain will be open for devotees. All puja performances will also remain temporarily closed.

On Wednesday (October 7, 2020), the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had issued new guidelines for the fifth phase of unlocking in the country. Under Unlock 5.0 guidelines, the Centre gave permission to religious gatherings beyond the limit of 100 persons, outside containment zones, subject to the strict COVID norm adherences like social distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, provision for thermal scanning and hand wash or sanitizer.

Under the new rule, a maximum of 50% of the hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200 persons in closed spaces.

1. Empty look of the car parking lot outside Akshardham Temple

Empty look of the car parking lot outside Akshardham Temple

The COVID-19 pandemic and the related lockdown had stopped devotees from visiting and praying in temples. This is the picture of the empty car parking lot which otherwise used to be jam-packed. 

2. A bird's-eye view of the iconic Akshardham temple

A bird's-eye view of the iconic Akshardham temple

Under the unlock 5.0, the gates of this iconic temple in Delhi will be thrown open to visitors today but under strict COVID guidelines. There will also be a cap on the number of people visiting the temple in a single day.

3. Mesmerising view of the temple sanctum sanctorum

Mesmerising view of the temple sanctum sanctorum

You might have come to Akshardham temple a number of times before the COVID pandemic and paid obeisance in the 'Garbhgriah' but Unlock 5.0 will not grant you this permission as puja performances will remain temporarily closed.

4. The breathtaking musical fountain

The breathtaking musical fountain

Extremely popular amongst the visitors, the musical fountain will open to charm you again. However, under the new unlock guidelines, a set number of people will only be allowed.

5. Magnificient Akshardham Temple glowing in light

Magnificient Akshardham Temple glowing in light

Though the temple is being opened today, devotees need to bear in mind the strict norms like social distancing, the mandatory wearing of face masks, washing hands at regular intervals and using sanitizers. Cooperating with the temples authorities is also necessary at this juncture.

