
‘When I see a smuggler come into my office, it’s my duty to relieve him of his money’: Ram Jethmalani’s top quotes

It is almost right to say that democracy is already in the coffin. The government wants the court to slam shut its lid – something so dirty that it would rather want to do it for them. You will be locking up the door of your own sepulchre for all time to come. The free world is watching to see how a great court reacts and conducts itself in the face of supreme tragedy.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Sep 08, 2019, 10:30 AM IST

Senior advocate, former politician and one of India's tallest legal doyens Ram Jethmalani passed away today. He was 95 years old. 

He has served as India's Union Law Minister and as the chair of the Bar Council of India.

He is survived by his son and daughter.

PM Modi wrote: "One of the best aspects of #RamJethmalani was the ability to speak his mind. And, he did so without any fear. During dark days of Emergency, his fortitude and fight for public liberties will be remembered. Helping the needy was an integral part of his persona.I consider myself fortunate to have got numerous opportunities to interact with #RamJethmalani. In these sad moments, my condolences to his family, friends and many admirers. He may not be here but his pioneering work will live on! Om Shanti." 

Home Minister Amit Shah wrote: “Deeply pained to know about the passing away of India’s veteran lawyer and former Union Minister  Ram Jethmalani ji. In him we have not only lost a distinguished lawyer but also a great human who was full of life.”

During his life, he was known for his immense wit. Here are some of his top quotes: 

1. During the Emergency in SC

During the Emergency in SC


It is almost right to say that democracy is already in the coffin. The government wants the court to slam shut its lid – something so dirty that it would rather want to do it for them. You will be locking up the door of your own sepulchre for all time to come. The free world is watching to see how a great court reacts and conducts itself in the face of supreme tragedy.


You may afford to be contemptuous of contemporary opinion but long after your identity as judges is forgotten, posterity will read your judgement and draw its contempt, is the choice before you. Do remember that the Emergency can be made permanent by those who are determined to make themselves permanent.


2. On defending smugglers

On defending smugglers

On defending smugglers

When I see a man come into my office with his pockets bulging with smuggling money, I consider it my duty to relieve him of his wealth.


On defending Indira's killers


According to me, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, Mrs. Gandhi’s two guards had shot her. They did it under misguided anger, and maybe even some indoctrination. After gunning her down, both threw away their arms and surrendered. Beant Singh was then shot on the spot. I would argue that after a man has surrendered, you cannot shoot him down in cold blood. That is mob justice, but funnily enough it wasn’t even a mob, the guardians of the law were responsible for his death. Beant Singh was an assassin, but even he was entitled to the protection of the law and it created a mystery about the whole thing: Why did they have to kill a man who was already in their custody? There was obviously a religious motivation for the two bodyguards. Everyone knows what the Golden Temple means for the Sikhs, and we also know what had happened in the Golden Temple. It was an invasion and a massacre.


3. On being thrown out of BJP for backing Indira's killers

On being thrown out of BJP for backing Indira's killers

When I took up this case, the BJP threw me out of their party. Secret admirers of Mrs. Gandhi, you see [laughs]. But after the SC’s verdict that one of the men was not involved and that I had saved a man from the gallows, the BJP owed me an apology. I consider it one of my best forensic successes. I have never been sorry that I took up that case. For a lawyer, it is the greatest source of happiness when he is able to rescue someone from the clutches of the hangman. 


On Rajiv Gandhi


I feel that much of the country doesn’t agree with the eye-for-an-eye philosophy. There are just some chaps who seek to prove their loyalty through stupid means. If you ask me, one of these persons was Rajiv Gandhi. When innocent Sikhs were being butchered all across the country, his reaction was – “When a big tree falls, the earth must shake.” And such a man is portrayed as a model Prime Minister of this country! 

4. On Indira Gandhi

On Indira Gandhi


“Indira Gandhi left behind several legacies—dynastic rule, economic control through populism—such as, bank nationalisation, Garibi Hatao and the 20-point programme—but most importantly, she left behind a centralised institutionalisation of political corruption that has matured into another Frankenstein, devouring the nation and the poor of India.


On the judiciary


“The function of the judge is to see that law is enforced and the lawbreaker punished. Today the Rule of Law is unfortunately displaced by the rule of successive scams. The soul of Law is in torment. Good lawyers and all good men can see that law enforcement is suffering from lack of oxygen. It needs fresh air to fuel the combustion hidden in its heart.”

5. On Rahul Gandhi

On Rahul Gandhi

“Rahul Gandhi, the shining star of the Congress party, proposed some ‘game changing ideas.’ He read out a sheet of paper, the sum and substance of which was that this was not the time to talk about the Lokpal, as it was important to address the systemic, structural, sociological and psychological aspects of corruption. The Lokpal, he argued, must be a constitutional body like the Election Commission, implying thereby that the Lokpal Bill should be kept in the cold storage. His proposal required amendment of the Constitution by a two-thirds majority in both Houses which, I am sure he hoped, would take years to muster. There would be no Lokpal till then. In his ‘innocence’ he assumed no one would see through his childish ploy. Interestingly, he had no takers even in his own party and effaced himself from Parliament for some time after! Not surprising, this, as he and his family have most to fear from a strong Lokpal.”

