
Weight loss: What is the 80/20 diet rule? How does it help to lose weight?

In today's era, a healthy lifestyle has gone for a toss given the rise in the inclination towards ready-to eat- food items or processed food. An unhealthy lifestyle gives rise to obesity, ultimately leading to several health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, high-cholesterol levels, etc.

  • Meemansa Shekhawat
  • |
  • Sep 22, 2024, 09:22 AM IST

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, several health experts are now suggesting the '80/20' diet rule. Here's everything you need to know about it. Let's take a look. 

1. What is 80/20 diet rule?

What is 80/20 diet rule?

The concept of the '80/20' diet rule is simple. Eat healthy food including vegetables, fruits, and dairy products 80% of the time. For the rest 20%, you can treat yourselves with your cheat meal which might include desserts and more. 

2. The 80: Vegetables, fruits and whole grains

The 80: Vegetables, fruits and whole grains

In the 80/20 rule, the 80% of your food should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products and whole grains. Try to limit sugar consumption and saturated fats. 

3. The 20: Your cheat meal

The 20: Your cheat meal

You can allow yourself to have our favourite food 20% of the time, or on weekends. You can have desserts, ice cream or so. However, the consumption should be limited or it will throw your hard work out of the window. 

4. Calorie approach

Calorie approach

Calorie approach suggests you get a little more specific while eating your cheat meal. If you want to lose weight, be mindful of what you're eating and how many calories you are consuming on a daily basis.

5. How does it help to lose weight?

How does it help to lose weight?

The '80/20' rule is conducive to losing weight. If you are consuming healthy food through the week days, it limits your calorie intake. However, while having sugar or saturated fats, one should keep a count of the calorie content. 

6. Exercise is also important

Exercise is also important

Along with a healthy diet and little of cheat meals, doing regular exercise is also significant in order to lose weight. 

