
Rapid fire with Paresh Mokashi..

Director Paresh Mokashi, whose film Harishchandrachi Factory was India’s official entry to the Oscars, doesn’t consider the Academy Awards as the benchmark for saluting excellence.

Rapid fire with Paresh Mokashi..

Indian films are doing really well on international platforms. Do you think an Oscar is not too far, if that’s any benchmark for you?
I don’t consider Oscars as any kind of benchmark. Actually, no award should be considered as any kind of achievement by a filmmaker. But OK, if an international recognition comes our way, good and is welcome.

You just won at the IIFLA (Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles) for your film on the life of Dadasaheb Phalke. This is a huge achievement. How do you rate this win among all the awards and accolades you have got so far?
I don’t think it’s that huge, but it is always a pleasant surprise when you win an award.

What do you think has made this film special because earlier too we have seen movies on film personalities being made in India?
The treatment and the light humoured adventure style I selected for the film came as a shock to many as they expected something serious, grand and grim, of the usual nature of a biopic film. But instead, they saw a simple and humourous film.

What do you take forward from making this movie?
Some technical experience for my next film.

