
Baloch activists hold anti-Pakistan protest in Canada for human rights violations in Balochistan

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Baloch political and human rights activists gathered in Toronto on Sunday to protest against Pakistan and China for gross human rights violations in Balochistan. The protest was held under the aegis of Bramsh Solidarity Committee to express anger at the murders of women and children in Balochistan. The protesters condemned the senseless murders of two Baloch women by the Pakistan Army death squads in which a 4-year-old girl, Bramsh was wounded by a stray bullet. The protesters held placards demanding: Justice for Bramsh, Justice for Maliknaz and Kulsoom, Baloch Lives Matter, Dismantle Pak Army Death Squads in Balochistan, No to Chinese CPEC in Balochistan and China Hands-off Gwadar Port Balochistan. Zafar Baloch, a Baloch Human Rights Activist based in Canada said, “Baloch people are fighting against the Pakistan Army and against the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China and in which the decisions are made in Islamabad and GHQ, Rawalpindi where the army headquarters are, and also by Communist Party of China. They are equally criminal partners in Pakistan’s slaughter and atrocities taken place in Balochistan”. Karima Baloch, Ex-chairperson of Baloch Students Organisation (Azad), who is living in exile in Canada said, “Pakistan is the main perpetrator behind all thefts and killings. The army, who is running death squads and also the Frontier Corps (FC) and Anti-Terrorism Squad, is behind the killings and human rights violations in Balochistan”. Protesters also expressed their anger at the Chinese CPEC projects and control over the sea port of Gwadar that has become the major reason for the China-backed Pakistani military operations in Balochistan resulting in the death of thousands of Baloch civilians.

