
Big teams are getting bigger & small teams smaller, says Adam Gilchrist

Gilchrist is back in India and has a lot to say about Sachin Tendulkar’s 100th ton, future of Indian cricket, future of world cricket and future of the IPL.

Big teams are getting bigger & small teams smaller, says Adam Gilchrist

Adam Gilchrist is back in India. Vijay Tagore catches up with him to discuss a range of issues, including Sachin Tendulkar’s 100th ton, future of Indian cricket, future of world cricket and future of the IPL. Excerpts from an interview.

Q: You now play only two months of cricket. How are you keeping the motivation going for the whole year?
I’m very motivated. I come to the IPL extremely fresh because I’ve not been playing all year. I’m not tired like a lot of the guys can be, because they have been constantly playing. I’ve got no trouble with motivation. I’m ready to go. I’ve done the appropriate amount of cricket preparation I need to. I feel I know what I need to do to prepare well.

Q: The element of unpredictability seems to be disappearing in the IPL. There is now a divide between the big and small teams.
That’s right. Some teams have got serious resources at their disposal. Financially, those teams have got the greatest amount of backing. They use their money and are prepared to spend it.

They don’t spare any expense in acquiring what they need. We’ve got to be careful with that. We should it ensure that we don’t get into something like the English Premier League where the big clubs get bigger and small clubs get smaller and don’t become competitive. But it is Twenty20 cricket and anything is possible.

Q: How do you rate Sachin Tendulkar’s 100th ton?
It is a remarkable effort. The greatest quality or characteristic of a champion is longevity. His longevity in the game is second to none. Well over 20 years into international cricket and his passion and desire are still there. He is a true champion. His record is right up there. No one else has done it. The one closest to him is 29 centuries away. That’s a couple of careers for some people. It is a standalone achievement that may never be broken.

Q: How do you attain that sort of longevity?
First and foremost is the desire and passion to play. His desire to play has not waned. He wants to play which only can be admired. Not only does he want to play on but also he is prepared to make sacrifices. He is still ready to work hard, train hard and prepare hard to be successful.

Q: What’s your advice for Dhoni who has been under scrutiny of late?
One of Dhoni’s greatest attributes is his calmness. I don’t think he is fazed by any of the criticism. He is a consistent person and we all go up and down with our results. He will overcome the bad phase.

Q: What about Indian cricket? Will it be as strong as in the past, with seniors like Dravid choosing to go out?
I think the signs are very good. Virat Kohli is well and truly in the position to step in. I suspect in the next 12 to 24 months, he will be classified as one of the best players in the world. Rohit Sharma, if given an extended run, may develop into a player that Virat has developed. Indian cricket has got to be patient with these cricketers.

Q: What about the world cricket? It is increasingly becoming difficult for a team to win abroad?
I think the world cricket is very even at the moment. I think that makes for very, very interesting cricket. For a spectator, the cricket these days is very exciting. One doesn’t know what is going to be the result. All teams are pretty even. Some teams play in home conditions better than others. I think the top four or five teams are capable of winning in any conditions. There is nothing predictable about them and that is why I say it is exciting for Test cricket and world cricket.

Q: You seem to be having a double role at Kings XI Punjab...
Sort of! To have been given the title of coach is a bit of a surprise but we’ve a coaching staff of which I’m a part. I’ll coordinate with them. It is going to be a combined effort with the whole support staff. Obviously, there is going to be a time when the buck stops at some place and that is going to be with me. We’ve a wonderful support staff in Mike Young, Joe Dawes and Vikram Rathore.

