
Nano-particle coating to prevent freezing rain buildup on roads and power lines

Researchers have created a nano-particle coating solution to prevent freezing rain buildup on roads and power lines.

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Nano-particle coating to prevent freezing rain buildup on roads and power lines

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have created a nano-particle coating solution to prevent freezing rain buildup on roads and power lines.

The nanoparticle-based coating, developed in the lab of Di Gao, a chemical and petroleum engineering professor in Pitt's Swanson School of Engineering, thwarts the buildup of ice on solid surfaces and can be easily applied.

The research paper, by lead author and Pitt doctoral student Liangliang Cao, presents the first evidence of anti-icing properties for a burgeoning class of water repellants-including the Pitt coating-known as superhydrophobic coatings.

These thin films mimic the rutted surface of lotus leaves by creating microscopic ridges that reduce the surface area to which water can adhere.

But, the authors note that because ice behaves differently than water, the ability to repulse water cannot be readily applied to ice inhibition.

The team found that superhydrophobic coatings must be specifically formulated to ward off ice buildup.

Gao and his team created different batches made of a silicone resin-solution combined with nanoparticles of silica ranging in size from 20 nanometers to 20 micrometers, at the largest.

They applied each variant to aluminum plates then exposed the plates to supercooled water (-20 degrees Celsius) to simulate freezing rain.

According to Cao, while each compound containing silica bits of 10-or-fewer micrometers deflected water, only those with silica pieces less than 50 nanometers in size completely prevented icing.

The minute surface area of the smaller fragments means they make minimal contact with the water.

Instead, the water mostly touches the air pockets between the particles and falls away without freezing.

Though not all superhydrophobic coatings follow the Pitt recipe, the researchers conclude that every type will have a different particle-scale for repelling ice than for repelling water.

Gao tested the coating with 50-nanometer particles outdoors in freezing rain to determine its real-world potential.

He painted one side of an aluminum plate and left the other side untreated.

The treated side had very little ice, while the untreated side was completely covered.

He produced similar results on a commercial satellite dish where the glossed half of the dish had no ice and the other half was encrusted.

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