
Will Spain sink the euro? And will the UK pay?

As the Spanish banking crisis grows yet deeper, so do the burgeoning threat and the potential impact of a eurozone-funded bank rescue.

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 Will Spain sink the euro? And will the UK pay?


There was an eerie calm about the plight of Spain at the International Monetary Fund's spring meetings in mid-April.

The country's borrowing costs may have been inching perilously higher on news that Spanish banks had tapped the European Central Bank for around €200bn (£160bn) of a €530bn round of emergency funding, but officials gathered in the warm Washington sunshine were confident that Madrid would soon win back the markets.

"Mariano Rajoy could have asked for a bail-out after winning the election," one central banker at the meeting said about Spain's new prime minister, who was sworn in only last December. "But the country is well ahead on its funding needs this year and can pay up for debt in the short term, even if it is uneconomic. It is moving forward with structural reforms." Spain would not be seeking a bail-out. The message was clear.

Six weeks later, the country's banking crisis is threatening to sink the nation. Around euros 100bn was pulled out of Spanish banks in the first three months of the year, euros 66bn in March alone, on concerns about the solvency of the institutions.

At about 5pc of deposits, the "bank jog" - as some wags have billed it - is in danger of turning into a full-blown "bank run" that would send Rajoy back to Washington - this time cap in hand.

"We are in a situation of total emergency, the worst crisis we have ever lived through," Felipe Gonzalez, Spain's former prime minister, said last week. The following day, Olli Rehn, Europe's economics commissioner, warned that the eurozone was on the brink of "disintegration". Greece, Portugal and Ireland might be small enough to contain, but Spain, the currency region's fourth largest economy, poses a far more dangerous threat.

As Spanish bond yields spiralled to unsustainable levels of 6.68pc on Thursday, the country's deputy prime minister, Soraya Saenz de Santa-maria, was despatched to Washington for talks with the IMF's managing director, Christine Lagarde, and US treasury secretary Tim Geithner. The meeting sparked rumours of a euros 300bn rescue deal, rumours that Lagarde immediately denied.

Rather than a bail-out, though, Santamaria was seeking to drum up international support for an alternative proposal - a eurozone-funded bank rescue that would not cripple Spain's public finances.

According to some estimates, Spain needs to inject €100bn into its banks to cover the vast volumes of bad real estate debt on their books - €19bn of which has already been earmarked for its giant domestic lender, Bankia.

But the size of such a recapitalisation would destroy the nation's finances, piling more on the country's €850bn borrowings and - if made to pay between 5pc and 6pc for the new money - plunging the economy into an unsustainable debt trap.

The lessons of Ireland, whose public finances were wrecked by rescuing the banks, loom large.

Instead, Spain wants to change the terms of the eurozone's €500bn rescue fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), to allow it to invest directly into banks rather than through governments.

Santamaria made the purpose of her Washington visit plain after meeting Geithner. "We were talking about the possibility that the banks, not only Spain's but also in other countries who need it, could access funds directly without intervention from the governments and without conditions," she said.

"The treasury secretary indicated that we are working in the same direction and that we must find a solution for the banks."

Support in Europe is gathering for the proposal. If Greece is not expelled from the eurozone after its June 17 elections, it will also require bank recapitalisations. Even France could potentially use the funds for its weaker lenders. Italy does not want to be the next domino to fall, so wants Spain as a buffer between it and the bond vigilantes. And Portugal's economy is hugely dependent on the success of Spain.

In Brussels, too, there is a growing consensus. On Wednesday, the European Commission was the first to raise publicly the idea of direct capital injections by the ESM, instead of routing funds through governments already saddled with huge debts. "To sever the link between banks and the sovereigns, direct recapitalisation by the ESM might be envisaged," the EU executive said.

Convincing Germany to accept a change to the ESM's statutes, though, will not be easy, which is where Lagarde and Geithner come in. The diplomatic game being played in Europe is to isolate the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and persuade Berlin to cave in to the demands of the weaker members.

Banks have once again shuffled uneasily back into the centre of the crisis, not just because of the potential losses they are carrying but also because, without a functioning banking sector, countries will never be able to grow their way back to financial health.

"Spain needs to clear up its banking system and it needs to be done rapidly," said Bill Rhodes, a former senior vice chairman of Citigroup and veteran of bank and sovereign rescues from the Latin American and Asian debt crises.

"If you don't get the banks lending, you won't get growth. It's particularly true in parts of the eurozone, which do not have deep capital markets so are highly dependent on the banks. That's the key element that's been missing so far."

Growth is Europe's buzz-word of the moment, replacing last year's mantra of austerity. The new French president, Francois Hollande, set the tone during his successful election campaign and the baton has been taken up by David Cameron and others.

Alongside talk of eurobonds, a "growth pact", "project bonds" to fund infrastructure investment and a bigger role for the European Investment Bank, there has also been talk of reforming the ESM to allow direct bank recapitalisations.

The topic was on the menu at the impromptu European leaders' dinner called on May 23 by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and attended by Cameron.

Since then, the idea has slowly gathered momentum - particularly as it is considered a more realistic solution to the crisis than eurobonds, which Germany has vowed to reject until there are closer fiscal ties in the eurozone bloc.

However, it would require a rewriting of the ESM rules that were signed by member states last February and say the funds can be loaned only to governments. The articles can be changed by unanimous agreement of the eurozone's 17 members but Germany, for one, would first need parliamentary approval.

To win over sceptical German parliamentarians, efforts are already afoot to agree a move to a "banking union" - with harmonised depositor protection and bank supervision - that would offer the sort of regional integration required to reform the ESM. The Spanish economy minister, Luis de Guindos, said last week he expected "signals" in the coming days, adding that "we all agree" on the need to move toward a "banking union".

Recapitalising Spain's banks without jeopardising the nation's finances could potentially restore market confidence and draw institutional funds back, giving the lenders the money to start the crucial business of extending credit once again.

"If in Spain things are done right, the risk premium comes down and we start seeing capital flows moving normally again, that will be a touchstone for the euro project to continue ahead," Mr de Guindos said.

"If not, we will have problems for the euro project itself, as we know it," he added.

Rhodes, who has chronicled many past bail-outs in his memoir Banker to the World and claims Europe's leaders made a fatal mistake in believing there were no lessons the developed world could learn from earlier emerging-market catastrophes, said the most important thing is "to have a mechanism to put a floor under the Spanish banks, under the problem".

The idea would be much the same as the Brady bonds of the 1990s, which effectively capped creditors' losses and allowed them to move on. "Time is of the essence to avoid contagion," Rhodes added.

For the eurozone as a whole, though, even that will not be enough, he says. Greece cannot function under a plan that, at best, will see its debts only fall to 120pc of GDP by 2020. "The size of the debt in Greece doesn't cut it," he said. "A new government will have to go to the [bail-out] authorities to get longer maturities and lower rates [on the rescue loans] at the very minimum."

More probably, he added, the "official sector", or foreign eurozone taxpayers, will have to accept a write-off on the €182bn already lent to Greece. According to UBS, even if Greece stays in the eurozone, Europe's taxpayers will have to bear a €60bn loss.

Some in Europe are willing to countenance the idea of altering the bail-out terms. Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the eurozone finance ministers, said last week that the loans could be extended by a year. Germany, as ever, remains the sticking-point. The all-powerful Bundesbank has effectively endorsed a Greece exit, ominously, saying it would be "manageable" for the eurozone.

For Britain, watching from the sidelines, the safest option would be for Greece to stay in the euro and a regional resolution agreed to the Spanish banking mess. The UK has little direct exposure to the Greek rescue, but plenty of residual exposure to a eurozone break-up.

British taxpayers have pumped £11.7bn into Greece, Ireland and Portugal through the IMF, an early European rescue fund and a bilateral loan to Ireland. Roughly £3bn of that is through the IMF, which has never lost a penny on a bail-out but is at greater risk than ever. Plans to use the European Investment Bank as another leg of the rescue system could also see the UK in line to pay more.

The bigger threat to Britain, though, would be the damage to the banking system and the wider economy of a break-up - a possibility if Greece is not offered better bail-out terms after the June 17 election and Spain gets no help for its banks. A credit crunch and a deep recession would be inevitable, economists say, as would the authorities' response - more quantitative easing, emergency funding for the banks and a state-funded stimulus programme that the Government can barely afford.

What's more, the eurozone's fire brigade to date - the ECB - is running out of patience with Europe's politicians. It bought almost six months with its €1 trillion emergency funding line, but the time was squandered. "It's not our duty… to fill the vacuum left by lack of action by national governments on the fiscal front," Mario Draghi, ECB president, said last week.

Given the risks, "a disorderly exit [by Greece] cannot be ruled out", Barclays Capital believes. For Credit Suisse: "Heightened Spanish banking uncertainty on top of Greek election uncertainty has significantly increased the risk that Spain will have to join the programme countries."

It can be avoided. As the central banker in Washington noted in the spring, Europe has ample funds to rescue itself. It is a point that has so angered Canada that it has refused to put any more money into the IMF's bail-out pot out of principle, in case the funds end up in Europe.

Realistic bail-out terms for Greece, and even improved conditions for Portugal and Ireland, as well as a eurozone-funded rescue for Spain's banks, would buy the single-currency region enough time to press on with the urgent structural reforms needed to fix the problems underlying the crisis.

Whether the political will is there, more than two years into the crisis, remains unclear. If it is not, Rajoy will rue his decision on taking power in Spain last December. If he had requested help then, it would have been the previous government's problem. Six months on, it will be his.


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