
Watch: Interview of a 20-year-old Mark Zuckerberg on his vision for Facebook

"The goal wasn't to make an online community, but sort of a mirror for the real community that existed in real life," reflected Mark Zuckerberg, with a beer in his hand, oblivious to the idea how Facebook would change the face of social media.

In the interview, a 20-year-old Zuckerberg, still at Harvard, talks about how Facebook was initially developed to provide basic information about people across campuses and help people interface.

It drew Zuckerberg's attention when within a month two-third of the students atHarvard had signed up for it. Eventually, it was launched at three universities— Yale, Columbia and Stanford.

When Facebook turned out to be equal popular there, it gave Zuckerberg the motivation to take the idea ahead and set up office at Palo Alto, California, to take the company where it is today.

According to Facebook, the social media empire is worth $300 billion and has over 1.04 billion daily active users on an average, as of December 2015

